yellow and red leaves on branches


Donate today to help give a resident a new beginning at Spring Lake Ranch.

Through growing our financial aid reserve, your gift will help make their success possible; through providing the resources to make a resident’s stay here robust and filled with time for self-reflection, your gift will make their time valuable. With your support, we look forward to continuing to provide opportunities for those who couldn’t otherwise afford their time here. Donate now.

Drone shot of construction on Spring Lake Ranch Main House includes a crane lifting a roof frame onto the top of the building

Support the Capital Campaign

Capital Campaign


Make a secure online gift today by clicking here.
Give to the Capital Campaign by clicking here.
Become a sustaining donor of Spring Lake Ranch by clicking here.
Sponsor a Wish List item here.

By phone

Call Rose McCracken, Director of Development, at 802-772-8342.

To make a gift of stock

Call Rose McCracken, Director of Development, at 802-772-8342.

By mail

Send your gift to our address (make checks payable to Spring Lake Ranch):
Spring Lake Ranch
1169 Spring Lake Road
Cuttingsville, VT 05738

snow covered trees and driveway

Spread your impact throughout the year

Become a sustaining donor

CARF Accredited: Spring Lake Ranch programs are CARF accredited. The CARF accreditation signals our commitment to continually improving services, encouraging feedback, and serving the community.

Spring Lake Ranch is a member of the American Residential Treatment Association (ARTA). ARTA members are dedicated to providing extraordinary care to adults with mental illness.