Ongoing renovations to the Main House have allowed us to get creative. This year’s Friends and Family Weekend will be 100% online and open to our larger Ranch community, including family, friends, and alumni. We are excited to bring you the sessions families look forward to each year, as well as new offerings.
If you are interested in attending some or all of Friends and Family Week, please be sure to fill out the RSVP form linked at the bottom of the page. For additional questions, email Assistant Manager of Communication and Development Anna Sutton at
Monday, July 8: Welcome and Updates from the Leadership Team
Tuesday, July 9: Talk with Dr. FauntLeRoy, Consulting Psychiatrist
Wednesday, July 10: A Special Edition of Friends & Family Support Group, featuring NAMIVT
Thursday, July 11: Krissy Pozatek, Author of The Parallel Process: Growing Alongside Your Adolescent Or Young Adult Child in Treatment
Friday, July 12: Game Night (win a Ranch-made prize pack!)
*All events will be held on Zoom from 6-7 p.m. Eastern